
You can help give EVERY Washington kid the chance to read!

Book drives of any size make a big difference for the kids Page Ahead serves, whether it’s half a dozen friends who donate books to celebrate a special occasion or big corporate teams who work together to collect hundreds of titles!

Complete the form below to get started with a book drive.

Sign up to host a book drive

Tips for a successful book drive

Make sure books are N.I.C.E.

Page Ahead needs new, high-interest books for children that include everyone!

See more details about the books we need here.

Pick the format that works for you

You can do an in-person drive, an online drive, a fundraising drive, or any combination of the above!

Choose a theme

Take a look at Page Ahead’s wish lists (at Bookshop, PaperPie Learning, or Amazon) for inspiration about what kinds of books to collect—STEM, board books, Spanish titles, nonfiction, and more. Or we can even make you a custom list!

Use other bookselling opportunities

Ask your child’s school if they could set up a book drive during your next book fair to benefit Page Ahead (see an example here). If you’re a bookseller, consider offering a discount off all books purchased for Page Ahead during a short period of time.

Double the impact

If you’re doing a corporate book drive, ask your employer about matching employee donations with a grant or other gift to Page Ahead.

Get the word out!

If you’d like, Page Ahead can help you with posters, template emails, social media assets, even a speaker to come to an event.