Book Oasis

In Seattle, nearly 22,000 children live in book deserts—neighborhoods where 80 percent or more of homes have fewer than 100 books. That’s enough to fill half the seats at a Mariners game! Access to books was further complicated by the pandemic, and the Book Oasis project was born.

Installed near Seattle schools that we serve with other literacy programs, Page Ahead’s Book Oases are custom designed for little browsers (including low shelves that face book covers out) and further expand students’ access to reading material, bolstering their home libraries and increasing book circulation in their communities.

Each Book Oasis is maintained by Page Ahead, providing a constantly refilled pipeline of brand new, high-interest titles for babies through young adults. Donate here to help keep Book Oases stocked!

Since the first Book Oasis was installed in March 2021, these Little Free Libraries have distributed an average of 144 children’s books per week into their communities.


2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR


books distributed


Book Oases


volunteer hours


Seattle neighborhoods