Summer reading program helps fill the gaps for Washington kids
The Phinneywood blog covered Page Ahead’s efforts to build home libraries and stop summer slide.
June 20, 2019
Publishers Weekly reports on how Book Up Summer keeps reading skills up during the summer.
“Typically, as the school year comes to a close, many educators’ and parents’ thoughts turn to how they can stem summer slide, or the learning loss associated with students’ being away from school—a key access point for books—during summer vacation. But in the wake of all the disruptions that school districts nationwide have experienced during the Covid-19 crisis, concerns about students’ pandemic learning loss and students’ and educators’ social-emotional well-being have also mounted. As educators, students, and parents gear up to meet these challenges, many publishers, ed tech companies, libraries, and nonprofits are expanding their traditional summer reading offerings and/or creating new tools to help.”
The Phinneywood blog covered Page Ahead’s efforts to build home libraries and stop summer slide.
June 20, 2019
Page Ahead executive director Susan Dibble speaks with the Seattle Times Education Lab.
May 14, 2020
The Federal Way Mirror reports on Page Ahead’s Book Up Summer program in Federal Way.
July 1, 2020