The Book Up summer program is amazing. While volunteering to help kids pick out their books, I have seen their faces change from slightly confused thinking it is another book fair and they don't have money, to realizing they get to pick out and keep the books, for free!

—parent and volunteer, Kendall Elementary, Whatcom County

The simplicity of the program is wonderful. Students get 100% access with as close to zero barriers as is possible. Everyone is included and the books they get to choose from are titles/series they really covet.

—first grade teacher, Rising Star Elementary, Seattle

These are books we wanted at the [school] book fair but could not afford. They had to do with his interests . . . perfect!!!

—parent of a kindergartner, Liberty Elementary, Marysville

My students were so excited! They kept asking me if the books were really theirs to keep. It felt so good to be able to say yes and that it’s because so many people care about them and their reading success.

—teacher, Concord International Elementary, Seattle

We’ve had hand-me-down books for a long time. For my daughter to receive new books, it makes her feel as though they were special for her and it motivates her to read more.

—parent of a kindergartner, Arlington Elementary, Tacoma

Book Up Summer

Summer reading loss accounts for 80 percent of the “achievement” gap between low-income students and their better-off peers. By the time a low-income student reaches middle school, that annual backslide in reading can leave them more than two years behind their better-resourced peers.

Book Up Summer addresses this gap before it happens. Based on a highly regarded study, Book Up Summer builds home libraries and keeps kids’ reading skills up over summer break: K–2 students at majority low-income elementaries choose 12 new books from a book fair at school, at no cost to them or their families, to keep and read during the summer (and beyond).

And it works: in 2022, Seattle Book Up Summer students’ reading skills improved by an average of 2.52 points over the summer for rising first graders, 1.68 points for rising second graders, and 2.47 for rising third graders.


2023–2024 SCHOOL YEAR


books distributed


schools serviced


children helped



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Bring Book Up Summer to your school

If you’re an educator at a Title I school and want Book Up Summer at your school, please contact us.

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