Lorie Day

Page Ahead is proud to present the Sarajane Beal Award for Volunteer Excellence to Lorie Day.

Lorie Day began volunteering at Page Ahead in early 2009. Her many skills meant that she could take on any task around the office! The job of managing materials for the expanding Story Time program was quickly put in her capable hands. Lorie kept up as the number of Story Time volunteers and children grew. She even enlisted the help of her mom to sort through leftover Story Time crafts! Lori did everything from inventory, to creating databases, to picking up (and donating) office furniture. It was because of her help that last year we were able to double the size of our Story Time program, reaching more than 1,200 children in need. That means more than 1,200 children involved in fun, interactive reading experiences with books, songs, and crafts on a regular basis.